Safe skin care

At RIVOLI, luxury means offering skin care that respects the skin and its ecosystem.

Respect for the cutaneous microbiota

For many years now, we have recognized the essential role of cutaneous microbiota in maintaining healthy skin. Keeping a balance between good and bad bacteria is crucial for ensuring an optimal response to the external aggressions the skin confronts constantly. All our products are formulated to respect this balance.

A stringent selection process

It has been proven: certain ingredients are potentially irritating or cause skin imbalances, particularly in sensitive skin, which results in dehydration, itchiness or inflammation.

The ingredients we use in our products are selected according to very strict criteria that go far beyond what is required by Swiss and European legislation. We uphold a rigorous precautionary principle: we never use any questionable or controversial ingredients in our formulas.

Product safety tests

Our formulas are obviously compliant with Swiss and European standards in terms of mandatory safety tests (conservation, stability, harmlessness). All our products are cruelty-free: in keeping with European regulations, RIVOLI never tests products on animals. Our commitment to animal rights extends even further, as the majority of our skin care products are vegan certified.


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